safety instructions

Safety instructions for lithium-ion batteries

We ask you to read and follow the following instructions carefully! Failure to comply can result in property damage and personal injury with serious injuries.

- Batteries are not toys and are not suitable for children and young people under 14 years of age!
- Please store the batteries completely out of the reach of children and small children!
- Always charge the batteries under supervision!
- To charge the batteries, only use chargers that are suitable and approved for the respective batteries!
- During the charging process, the charger with the battery must be on a solid and non-flammable surface!
- Keep flammable objects away from the batteries!
- Do not cover the batteries during charging!
- Under no circumstances open the battery and avoid using force. Otherwise an internal short circuit may occur and there is a risk of explosion!
- Protect the thread of the battery from contact with metal objects. Danger of short circuit!
- Do not bring the batteries into contact with fire, water or other liquids!
- Protect batteries from heat!

GermanDampfer is not liable for damage caused by failure to follow the safety instructions.

Safety instructions for liquids containing nicotine

If appropriate nicotine-containing flavor liquids are used, the mist produced by the electric cigarette may contain nicotine. Nicotine is a powerful neurotoxin that leads to many diseases and is addictive.

Like all products containing nicotine, electric cigarettes are not suitable for people under 18, non-smokers, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with cardiovascular diseases!

If you are allergic to one of the ingredients (e.g. propylene glycol), you must not use the products!

Electronic cigarettes and liquids should be stored out of the reach of children and pets.